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Process for Registering using the Online System
Important Update Regarding Health Insurance for Residency
From 24.03.2021, private health insurance will no longer be accepted when applying for temporary residency and state health insurance will be mandatory.
30.10.2020 Update: Online Residency System Improvements
Health Insurance Fault
The fault on the online residency system whereby couples over 60 years of age who apply for residency are only able to pay for Health Insurance for the sponsor online has now been fixed. From this week couples will both be able to pay for health insurance online after they attend their police interview.
Please note couple who attended a police interview prior to this week will still have to purchase health insurance for the spouse/sponsoree separately, as the fault fix has not been be applied retrospectively. See below for guidance on how to purchase health insurance separately.
After your Police Interview - Paying Health Insurance/Blood Tests Online
Previously within a few hours of attending your police interview you were requested to pay for health insurance. For some applicants this has now changed, following the recent system enhancement.
After you attend your police interview you should log onto the system and check whether you are able to pay for your health insurance and/or blood tests. If you application is straightforward, i.e. you have had residency previously or are only requesting 1 year of residency then you should be able to pay online immediately. However, some people will see the following:

If your account shows both the Devlet Hastanesi / State Hospital and the Muhaceret Dairesi / Immigration Office tasks with an hourglass beside them, this normally means the system has been unable to decide automatically whether you can obtain the duration of residency you are requesting and so your application has been referred to the Immigration Office for them to make a decision. The most common situation where this occurs is where you have requested 2 years of residency, but it is unclear what your previous residency history has been, although there are other scenarios as well.
Don't worry, you will probably need to wait several days before the Immigration Office can review your documents as they have to wait until they are received from the Police. Keep checking your account periodically and once approved you will be requested to pay your Health Insurance and/or Blood test online.
Don't forget to check regularly as you have a total of 30 days to complete all the tasks which are assigned to you i.e. paying health insurance and paying residency, so if you forget about it, there is a danger your application could time out.
Before starting the process – obtain a letter from the Muktar confirming your residency at the address stated. You can find details of your local Muktar here. When you visit your muktar your should take your passport, proof of address (contract of sale / kocan) and 4tl in stamps. He will issue you with a form which he signs and stamps.
Scroll down to Ikamet Izinleri / Residence Permit and click on this section, you will then be presented with the following screen:

If haven’t yet applied for Residency, because you are unsure what to do or you need assistance to complete you residency application online, we are here to help. Either follow the guidance in here or if you would like someone to complete the registration process on your behalf, contact us here and we'll assist you.
Scroll down to the ‘Don’t Have an Account?’ section.
Click on – Șimdi kayıt ol / Sign Up now – the following screen will appear:

Enter your all your Christian names as written in your passport in CAPITAL LETTERS
Enter your surname as written in your passport in CAPITAL LETTERS
Enter your gender – male / female
Enter your nationality
- for UK Citizens = Birleşik Krallik (Ingiltere, Galler, Iskoçya ve Kuzey Irlanda)
- for German Citizens - Almanya
- for Swedish Citizens - Isveç
Enter your Date of Birth
Enter your Country of Birth - for UK Citizens = Birleşik Krallik (Ingiltere, Galler, Iskoçya ve Kuzey Irlanda) etc.

Enter your place of Birth – as per your passport
Enter your Father’s name – First names only
Enter your Mother’s name – First names only
Enter your marital status – Married or single, if you are married to some of the same sex, this is not yet recognised in the TRNC, so you should enter single, however you can obtain a notary’s letter to confirm that you cohabit with another person. This document is available here.
Kimlik Number – leave blank, or enter your national identity card number if you are an EU citizen and have used your identity card to enter the country.
Immigration File Number – enter the number on your Residency Stamp in your passport if you have previously had a residency stamp – you do not need to add the Alpha character at the front only the numbers.
If you last applied for residency several years ago – you may find your residency number is not recognised when you submit your details, in which case delete the number and try to submit again. If you have never had residency – leave this field blank

Enter the City in TRNC where you are living – choose from Drop down menu which district you live in within the TRNC
Enter the address where you are living.
Passport Information
Enter your passport number
Enter the date of issue or start date of the passport
Enter the place of Issue –this is normally the country where your passport was issued e.g. UK
Enter the date of Validity (expiry date)
Enter your TRNC mobile telephone number. Non-TRNC numbers are not acceptable
Enter your email address
Enter Submit.
You should now receive a message stating that your account has been created successfully
If you receive a message which says there is a problem, check that the information you have entered is correct and press submit again.
Common Errors & solutions
If you receive a message saying your information does not match – check your name and passport number to ensure they are correct
If you receive a message saying your immigration file number is not recognised – delete the number and press submit. You should then advise the police at your appointment that there was an issue with your Residency number
If you receive a message stating that the system believes you are not in the country, you will need to call the Helpdesk 0392 6111017 (this number is very busy, it is recommended that you ring early in the morning and be prepared to try several times to get through) or visit the Interior Ministry in Lefkoşa for them to correct your record so you can proceed with your application. If you are an EU citizen and you have entered using your national identity card rather than your passport, this can sometimes be an issue.
If you have recently had a new passport, you may find this has not been recorded on the system. Try adding the details of your last passport number and other passport details and see if this will be accepted. If so notify the police at your appointment that your passport number has changed so they can correct it on the system.
Once you have successfully completed the registration stage, you will then receive a SMS text notifying you of your username (all numeric) and your password (alpha numeric). Check the password carefully as 0 and Os can look very similar also I and 1s
Go to the log in screen (pictured left)

Now enter your username and password – note the letters are all Capital letters and should be entered as such.
If your username or password is not accepted, check the information you entered and try entering again. If you are uncertain if a digit is an O or an 0 try changing this to see if this is the problem. If you continue to have problems you can click the Șifre Unuttum / Forgot Password field and request another password.
Press – Giriş / Login
You will then be presented with a screen where you can reset your password to something which you can remember. The password you choose must have at least 8 characters, at least one of which must be a capital letter and at least one must be a number and the rest can be lower case letters. Do not add other symbols into the password.
Press – Submit

You will then be provided with a 4 digit code and a Q code (like a barcode). If you are applying as a couple/family and you have not had residency before, make a note of the 4 digit code as you will need to enter this number when you link your account with your partners account.
Scroll down
You will see a Süreç / Progress bar – which will show that your application is 10% complete and there will be a tick against the Başvur / Application section.
You now need to complete the Ikamet İzin Türü / Visa Category section
Scroll down to this and click. The following screen below will appear.

Scroll down to the visa options section and select either:
⦁ Immovable Property Ownership – if you own your property or
⦁ High Income – if you rent a property
⦁ If your partner has already created an account and you are applying as a joint application then you should choose the Aile İzini (Eşi/Partneri ise) / Family permit (Spouse)
⦁ You will then need to select the field for – duration of your residency permit, this can be either 6months, 1 year or 2 years.
Note: at the present time the system only allows a 1 year residency permit to be issued, as the payment options later in the process are only for 1 year. A system development is planned to allow the option of a 2 year visa, so it is recommended that you select the 2 year option, as the option for a 2 year visa may be available, by the time of your police interview.
The final question in this section is Health Insurance
If you have an approved TRNC private health insurance policy you can answer ‘yes’ to this question and you will not need to pay for State Health Insurance. If you answer yes, you must bring your health insurance documents to the Police interview. If you don’t have health insurance you should enter ‘no’.

Press - Kaydet / Save to save this information and move onto the next section - Ek bilgiler / Additional Information if you entered immovable property / high income

You will now be prompted to enter the method by which you receive money on a regular basis. The options are: Salary / Pensions / Bank Deposit. If you receive money from different sources, choose the main source of your income. This should be the amount that you receive on a monthly basis. If you have stated that your income is from a Bank Deposit, you should divide that amount by 12 to give the amount on a monthly basis.
If you apply for two years you do not need to show twice the requirement. If you apply under Immovable Property you need to provide evidence of either income of 1 x Minimum Monthly Wage (3800tl) per month. If you apply under High Income you need to provide evidence of either income of 3 x Minimum Monthly Wage (3800tl x 3 = 11,400tl)
You can choose the currency that you want to enter the amount in, either £, €, $ or tl.
Press - Kaydet / Save to save this information and move onto the next section – Evrak Yükleme / Document Upload
If you entered Aile Ikamet İzini / Family Residence Permit you will need to input the details of your sponsor i.e. Your partner, you will see the following screen and you will need to re-input many of the details already provided in your partners application

In the field KKTC’DEKI YASAL IZIN TÜRÜ/SUPPORTER VISA – choose the ‘has residency permit’ option from the drop down menu
Supporter Name – Enter your Partner’s first name
Supporter Surname – Enter your Partner’s surname
Supporter Gender – choose either Male or Female from the drop down menu
Supporter Father Name – Enter your Partner’s father’s first name

Supporter Mother Name - Enter your Partner’s Mother's Date of Birth
Supporter Mobile No - Enter your Partner's Mobile Number
Supporter Date of Birth - Enter your Partner's Date of Birth
Supporter Place of Birth – Enter your Partner’s Place of Birth
Supporter Nationality – Enter your Partner’s Nationality
Supporter Immigration File No – Either enter your Partner’s residency reference number if you entered this on his/her application of if not enter the 4 digit code at the top of their registration screen.
Press the green Kaydet / Save box to save the information
You will then be provided with the following screen:
Scroll down to the section to upload your documents.

Press the ‘choose’ button to upload your passport information, if you are using your phone to do the registration you will then be automatically taken to the option to select camera which you should click then you take a picture of your passport press OK to accept the picture and wait until you receive the prompt that the document has been successfully uploaded.
If you are registering on a computer you will be directed to the browse files section on your computer for you to select the photo of your passport which you have previously taken and you can press Open and wait until the system confirms that the document has been successfully uploaded.
Go to the upload muktar’s letter section and repeat the process.
Once both documents have been uploaded, press the green – Onay / Confirm button to complete the Document Upload stage. You will be advised that your application has been successful.
You will quickly receive a SMS text message to confirm the location, date and time of your police appointment.
If you scroll up to the top of your account, there is a section in yellow where the date and time of your appointment is shown together with a list of the documents that you must take to the police station.
Note: due to the high volume of people registering on the system, appointments are about 6 weeks after the date of registration.
Police Station Appointment
On the date and time give you should visit the police station taking with you the originals and copies of all the documents which you need to submit.
The police appointment will be very short and you will just need to provide the documents requested and the police will confirm that everything is in order.
If you have any documents missing you will be asked to go away to get the missing documents and return the following day.
After you police appointment you will receive an SMS text message which prompts you to log onto the Online Residency System to pay for your health insurance and if you are under 60 years of age you will also need to pay for your blood tests.
The cost of the blood tests are 420 TL.
The cost of 1 year’s health insurance is 988,50 TL for one year or 1977 TL for two years
You can pay online either using a TRNC Bank Credit Card or an International Cards. Credit cards usually work more often than Debit Cards. If you do not have a card which the payment system accepts you will need to ask someone else to pay for you, as there is no facility to pay in cash at the bank.
If you are under 60 years old, at this stage you will receive an SMS text message advising you which clinic you must attend to have you Health Examination (blood and TB test).
You should attend the clinic, with your passport or other identification document, as soon as possible after receiving the notification. Once your tests have been completed the results will be available in 15 days from the test date.

After this stage is completed your application will advance to the Muhaceret Dairesi / Immigration Department stage. The application will then be forwarded to the Vergi Dairesi / Tax Office stage and then finally again to the Muhaceret Dairesi / Immigration Department stage. You do not need to take any action during this phase, but you will be able to view on the system how far through the process you application has progressed.
Once the Immigration Department have completed their checks you will receive a SMS text notifying you to pay for your Residency Permit. You should log onto the system and scroll down to the Immigration Department section where you will be prompted to pay. The cost of the Residency Permit is 521,50 TL.
As above you will need to pay by payment card and there is no option to pay by an alternative method.
After you have made payment you will receive a notification within a short period that your Residency Permit is completed and available to download. You should print off a copy and keep it with your passport, so you can show it at Immigration at the airport or border crossings. You should also keep another copy on file for reference.


When you enter the TRNC, show your university acceptance or invitation document to the immigration officer to obtain a student entry visa, valid for 90 days. During this time it is imperative that you complete your University student registration procedures, as if you do not register you could be deported from the country.
Start the Residency Permit process using the ONLINE IMMIGRATION SYSTEM at
www.icisleri.gov.ct.tr - scroll down and click on student residents permit.
⦁ When you access the system for the first time – Choose Hesabın yok mu? / Don’t have an account? Șimdi kayıt ol / Sign up now
⦁ Fill in the required information then press the Green Kaydol / Sign up button. You will then be sent an SMS with your username and a single use password.
⦁ You are now able to log into the system. When you first log in you will be requested to change your password to one that you can remember, the password must comprise at least 8 characters and one must be a capital letter, and one number.

⦁ Continue into the system and provide the information requested.
⦁ During the online registration you will be issued with a "Foreign Student Registration Number", please do not lose this number, as you will need to use this number in all official transactions.
⦁ The system will ask you whether you have a health report.
⦁ If you have a valid health report, click "I have a valid health report":
⦁ Go to the Tigris Hospital, in which the University is located. Get your health report certified, in that Hospital. Make your payment for "health report fee", via the online system.
⦁ If you do not have a valid health report, click "I do not have a valid health report":
⦁ You must pay for "laboratory tests fee", via the online system. You will then be notified via the system of the name and address of the Clinic to attend to get your laboratory tests performed.
⦁ Once the results from the health report have been evaluated you will get a notification from the system to pay your "immigration fee", online via the system.
⦁ One the payment has been processed the system will indicate that your Student Permit is ready, you may obtain your permit document from the Registrar's Office at the University.
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