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Electricity in Northern Cyprus

The electricity supply in Cyprus is 220/240 volts AC 50Hz. Electricity sockets are, three pin, 13 amps the same as used in the UK. Most electricity cables have just live and neutral wiring (no earth).
Power cuts are not uncommon in Northern Cyprus, although these are becoming less frequent. Power outages due to maintenance are notified in the local media – radio and online newspapers. Kib-Tek also has a facebook page – Kıbrıs Türk Elekrik Kurumu, where power outages are listed. The posts are in Turkish, however it is reasonably easy to check if your area is affected and the times.
Power surges are also common, therefore it is advisable to use power surge protectors for your more sensitive and expensive electrical goods like computers to avoid them being damaged/destroyed from sudden surges and drops in supply.
Connection & Takeover Deposit Charges
If you purchase a property in Northern Cyprus then you will need to pay a fee for either deposit or connection and deposit depending on whether the property is a new build or a second hand / existing property.
If you purchase a brand new property at the point that you take possession of the property you will need to pay a fee which is the proportion of the cost charged to the developer for connection of electricity services to the site/development. This charge is usually in the region of £1000.
If you purchase a second hand property you will need to pay a ‘takeover deposit charge’ i.e. a deposit fee when responsibility for payment of services is transferred from the previous owner to yourself. The deposit fee is 1,407 TL however if you can get a Turkish Cypriot to act as your guarantor then the fee is reduced to 469 TL. This money is held and will be returned to you if you finish your contract with Kib-Tek.
If you rent a property the landlord may continue to hold responsibility for payment of you electricity and will onward charge you for electricity, alternatively you may be requested to takeover responsibility for electricity charges and will therefore need to pay the deposit charges above.
Electricity Charges
In 2019 Kib-Tek introduced a new method of charging. Customers can now choose whether they wish to be on either the standard tariff package or the Time-Based Charging Tariff – You are in Control. If you choose the standard tariff you will pay a single price per KwHour for electricity, see below, whereas on the ‘You are in Control’ charging option the price for electricity varies depending on the time of day, see below. If you can maximise your electricity usage in the off-peak times your electricity charges will be lower than on the standard package.
When these charges were introduced in April 2019 all customers were moved to the ‘You are in Control’ tariff unless you specifically requested to remain on the standard tariff.
If you wish to change your tariff package you should speak to your local Kib-Tek office.

Note* If your usage within any 30 day tariff period is less than 300 kWh, a 15 % discount will be applied to your invoice
You must pay your monthly bill within 30 days of your invoice being issued. If after 30 days you have not paid your bill, and your bill exceeds 469 TL, your electricity will be disconnected.
If you do not pay your bill and your invoice is less than 469 TL your service will not be disconnected, however if you do not pay your next bill and then total of your outstanding invoices becomes greater than 469 TL then your service will be disconnected.
Assistance on any Kibtek issue is available 24/7hours from the KıbTek Call Centre Support on (0392) 60 00 960.

Select the Postpaid section, to see the following screen
Receiving Your Invoice
Kib-Tek has moved away from paper billing to billing by SMS text message and email. Customers should register at their local Kibtek office to receive their invoices by SMS text message or email. A message will be sent monthly (this is your invoice) advising the amount of your monthly bill, together with any outstanding amount. You can also call their Customer Service on (0392) 600 00 960 and request your monthly bill via email (see example bill below),. They speak good English.
Paying Your Electricity Bill
You can pay your electricity bill in several different ways.
Online – using the online payment app. – see below
By click on the ''pay now'' button on your emailed bill
By Standing order via your TRNC Bank
At the payment kiosks – cash or card
At Kibtek Offices – cash or card
At a Bill Payment Point (Fatura Ödeme Noktası – available at many supermarkets – cash or card
1 Electricity Bills can now be paid online or by mobile phone
Your monthly SMS invoice contains a link to the online payment service. Click on the link and you will see the following screen.
Ask the cashier if you can pay your electricity bill and/or other bills and they will enter your account number advise you the amount outstanding on your bill and take a payment either by card or cash. The payment takes 2-3 days to be registered against your account.

If you provide your Kibtek account number to your bank they can arrange for your account to be automatically debited each month, which is a hassle free method to pay your bill. Most TRNC banks pay standing orders on the last possible day, so the money remains in your account for the maximum amount of time. Do not be surprised to see the amount of your last bill is shown as outstanding when you receive your next SMS invoice. Do not worry unless you bill is >469Tl in which case you may want to speak to your bank to ensure that they pay the invoice rapidly to avoid a risk of disconnection.
Kib-Tek accepts payments from the following banks:
2 By Standing order via your TRNC Bank
Enter your subscriber/account number which starts with ‘00’ then press continue. You can then make a payment using your credit/debit card. The online payment service is available in three languages, Turkish, English and Russian.
Online payment service -https://online.kibtek.com/?lang=en&t=postpaid

3 + 4 KIB-TEK Offices & Payment Points/Kiosk and Working Hours
The table below lists the Kib-Tek Offices and the Payment Kiosk machines. You can pay be either cash or card at a Kib-Tek Office and also at the Payment Kiosks which are located either within the offices or just outside. Kiosks outside are available to use from 8am to 11pm. Kiosks inside offices have similar hours of availability as the offices.

Bill Payment Point (Fatura Ödeme Noktası)
Limasol Bank have now set up Bill Payment service, where you can pay the following bills – Electricity, Digiturk, Turkcell, Water/Property bill, Landline Telephone, University Tuition Fees, State School fees and Belediye traffic fines.
Several Supermarkets offer this bill payment service. To check which shops offer this service you can check online at www.limasolonline.com. Enter your local area and you can see all the shops offering the service, alternative look out for the payment sign below. You can also use their online app to pay your bills online.

If you fail to pay your electricity bill you will be disconnected. If this occurs you should pay the amount you owe as soon as possible and then contact Kib-Tek Call Support Centre on (0392) 60 00 960 and ask to be reconnected. There is a charge of 3% of your outstanding bill for reconnection. Your service can be reconnected remotely, so will be restored as soon as the bill payment is received.
Electric Faults
If you have a problem with your electricity service you should call the Kib-Tek Support Centre and they can test your line and advise you if the problem is linked to their service. If the fault is linked to Kib-Tek then they will send out an engineer to investigate. If they cannot find a problem, you will need to contact an electrician who can investigate whether these is a problem within your property.
Source: Tariffs from 1/4/2019 current prices from 22 August 2020 KIBTEK web site data www.kibtek.com
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