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Import Conditions of Non-Commercial Pet Animal From Abroad to the TRNC

Exporter Guidance - based on the requirements for the importation of non-commercial pet animals into Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). We advise exporters to also obtain full details of the export from requirements from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) or the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department (SEERAD).
Failure to comply with any of the following conditions will result in refusal of animals entering the country.
The Importer should read this document fully and carefully. A declaration of acceptance of the conditions is required during the application stage.
Before exporting an animal(s) from the UK, it is necessary to obtain an IMPORT LICENCE from the Directorate of TRNC Veterinary Department.
The existing Green Line Regulation does not permit the movement of live animals between North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus. Therefore, live animals can only be imported to North Cyprus by port/airport.
You must complete and return the Application Form (PIB.01) to TRNC Veterinary Department to acquire the Import License. This form can be obtained from the Directorate of TRNC Veterinary department or diplomatic representatives of the TRNC in the UK. The Import License is valid for 30 days.
Animals must have a health examination 48 hours prior to export and the exporter must obtain an Export Health Certificate issued by DEFRA/SEERAD.
The crate containing your animal must be of international standards i.e. it must be large enough to allow the animal to stand in a natural position, turn around and lie down.
All costs include transfer, quarantine, extended quarantine (if applied), vaccination or treatment fees, must be paid by the owners of the animal prior to collection following quarantine.
The Veterinary Department is not liable for sickness or death of animal(s) whilst in quarantine.
The above conditions also apply to the individual species import conditions
The Directorate reserves the right to change the import conditions according to the animal’s health status in country of origin and TRNC.
Import of Dogs and Cats from Abroad to the TRNC
Animals to be imported must be older than 3 months old and rabies vaccinations must be made minimum 1 month and maximum 1 year before import.
Animals should be vaccinated or given booster vaccinations for other infectious diseases before export from country of origin.
Required vaccinations for dogs: Parvo, Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospira
Required vaccinations for cats: Feline enteritis, feline influenza
To acquire an import license forward the following documents to the TRNC Veterinary Department.
Completed Application Form (PIB.01)
Certificate of Vaccination Against Rabies for Dogs and Cats Intent for Export (EXA 25) issued by DEFRA / SEERAD
Copies of vaccinations for other diseases.
Laboratory Rabies Test Report from EU recognised blood testing laboratories. (Indicating the rabies antibody titre greater or equal to 0.5 I.U./ml.)
Following receipt of the above documents, the Veterinary Directorate will issue (if applicable) and forward an import license (PIR.01) to the exporter.
Animals must have a health examination 48 hours prior to export and the exporter must get an Export Health Certificate (4891 EHC) issued by DEFRA/SEERAD.
Originals of the documents below must accompany the animal(s) and be presented upon arrival in the TRNC.
Import Licenses issued by Directorate of TRNC Veterinary Services (PIR.01)
Rabies vaccination issued by DEFRA / SEERAD (EXA 25)
Laboratory Rabies Test Reports, from approved an laboratory
Export Health Certificate issued by DEFRA / SEERAD (4891 EHC)
The crate containing your animal must be of appropriate International Air Transport Association (IATA) standards, i.e. it must be large enough to permit the animal to stand in a natural position, turn around and lie down.
Failure to comply with any stipulated condition will result in refusal of the animal(s) entry into the T.R.N.C. Such animals are either re-exported or destroyed and its owner will be prosecuted. Serious offences may be tried by court. It is very important to ensure all necessary documentation accompanies the animals.
The period of detention may be extended beyond the normal period in the event of:
an outbreak of rabies occurring at the quarantine premises; or
Your animal is sharing accommodation with another animal(s) and one of these animals should die.
In the event of your animal sharing accommodation with other animals, and those animals becoming rabid during the period of their detention and isolation in quarantine, the Department may require your animal to be put to sleep.
If your animal dies in quarantine the Veterinary Department may take, or require to be taken, such action as considered necessary to determine whether or not the animal was infected with rabies at the time of its death and may dispose of the remains of the animal, or require them to be disposed of, in such manner as the Department sees fit.
Worming treatment (containing praziguentel) will be given to animals under the supervision of the owners.
Owners are responsible of feeding of their animals. In case of necessity, staff in the quarantine department can take-over the responsibility of feeding the animal.
Owners can visit their animals in quarantine daily in designated visiting hours.
In the quarantine period, if needed, health checks, vaccinations or treatment will be performed only by official veterinarians.
Import Conditions of Captive Birds
1) To acquire an import license it is necessary to forward the documents below to TRNC Veterinary Services.
Completed Application Form (PIB.01)
Veterinary Health Certificate.
Bird(s) should be free from infectious or contagious diseases including Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and highly pathogenic avian influenza (plague fowl) and,
The premises of origin must not be situated in an area subject to restrictions due to these diseases.
After receipt of the above documents, the Veterinary Directorate will issue (if applicable) and forward an import license (PIR.01) to the exporter.
Bird(s) should have an examination 48 hours prior to export and exporter must get an Export Health Certificate (4282 EHC) issued by DEFRA/SEERAD.
Originals of the documents stated below must accompany the animal(s) and be presented upon arrival.
Import Licenses issued by Directorate of TRNC Veterinary Services (PIR.01)
Export Health Certificate issued by DEFRA / SEERAD (4282 EHC)
Veterinary Health Certificate.
Failure to comply with any stipulated condition will result in refusal of the animal(s) entry into the TRNC.
Such animals are either re-exported or destroyed and its owner will be prosecuted. Serious offences may be tried by court. It is very important to ensure all necessary documentation accompanies the animals.
The cage and similar housing/transport vehicles used in the export of birds must comply with International Standards.
On arrival in TRNC, the bird(s) will be collected as soon as possible by the official veterinarians or Veterinary Technicians from the airport/port.
Bird(s) will be subject on arrival to home quarantine for at least 20 days from the date of landing.
On arrival Pet Import and Quarantine Form (PIK.01) must be filled out and the required fees paid by the importer. If bird(s) arrive out of working hours, the importer will be invited to complete the filing transaction on the next working day.
Birds will be kept in known premises separately and will not come in contact with any other animals. Bird(s) can only move to other premises with the permission of directorate of Veterinary Department. Veterinary officials have right to visit the premises in question at any time without informing the owner.
It is an obligation to inform the Veterinary Department in case of any occurring diseases during the quarantine period.
Directorate of Veterinary Department reserves the right to keep the bird(s) in the Department's quarantine section, or to move bird(s) from home quarantine to department quarantine and extend the quarantine period. In such cases additional fees will be paid by the owner.
The Veterinary Department is not liable for the sickness or deaths of animals in quarantine.
Import Conditions for Other Pet Animals
For the non-commercial other pet animals, it is also necessary to apply for an import license as for dogs, cats and captive birds.
A Veterinary Health Certificate will be attached to the application form and forwarded to Directorate of TRNC Veterinary Department.
You will be informed about quarantine method, quarantine period and import conditions designated by Veterinary Department according to the species and other conditions.
Phone: 0090 392 22 53 551 / 0090 392 22 53 751
Fax: 0090 392 22 53 536
Website: www.veteriner.gov.ct.tr
E-mail: info.veteriner@gov.ct.tr
Fees to be charged for import permission are given below.
Import permission (for animals specified in each certificate) 100,00TL
Inspection service (for animals accompanying passengers) 50,00TL
Runner (for animals accompanying passengers) 20,00TL
Costs arising from the return of a pet to the country of origin are covered by air and sea companies carrying the pet.
A pet owner, who does not accept the return of the pet to the country where he came from, is obliged to keep his pet in quarantine for up to three months, subject to the director's discretion, in the location and conditions determined by the Director of the Veterinary Department.
Quarantine fees must be paid immediately to the owner of the Veterinary Department. The quarantine fee is 10 TL per day. During the quarantine period, the costs for vaccinations and analyses requested by the Veterinary Department are paid by the owner of the animal.
During the quarantine period, the pet's feeding costs are covered by the owner of the animal.
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