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Border Requirements - TRNC

At present there are restrictions on entering the TRNC by land, sea and air as a result of COVID 19.
Depending on your country of entry the requirements are different. Countries are classified by the Department of Health into Categories A, B & C. For a list of countries and their classifications see the Country Categories page. Any country which has not been classified will be considered to be Category C. The Category list is amended on a regular basis as the COVID risk changes, so check the list regularly.
Cypriots and People with Formal Residency in the Republic of Cyprus (Southern Cyprus)
From the 21st of July people working in Southern Cyprus, studying or receiving treatment will be able to cross from the TRNC to the RoC and return, provided they take a PCR test every 15 days. If more than 15 days has passed since their last PCR test, they will be able to cross to Southern Cyprus once they have had a new PCR test. Tests can be taken at Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital and Famagusta State Hospital. Cypriots wishing to cross from the TRNC to Southern Cyprus for reasons other than work, training or
treatment will be able to cross the border providing they have a negative PCR test and have been on the island for the last 14 days. (This includes taxi drivers and traders). People in this group may also be subject to periodic randomized PCR testing.
Turkish Cypriot citizens residing in Pile can cross the border freely, provided they present a negative PCR test when they initially pass.
Diplomatic Missions in Cyprus, the UN, the EU, the British Base Zone and similar international
organisations will be required to show a one-off negative PCR test on initial entry to the TRNC, but will then be able to cross the border freely. TRNC citizens working in the UN Controlled region or British Base Areas will need to present a negative PCR test updated every 15 days when they enter the TRNC.
Category A Requirements
Any Foreign National who arrives from a Category A country can enter the TRNC via Southern Cyprus with a negative PCR test less than 72 hours old. Entry to the country can be through any land border crossing without testing or quarantine.
If you cannot present a PCR test with a negative result will must enter at the Metehan or Beyarmudu border crossings, as PCR testing can only be performed at these borders. You will be quarantined until the test results are available. You will be required to pay all test and quarantine fees.
Note: At present, the Republic of Cyprus has restricted foreign nationals from crossing from
Southern Cyprus into the TRNC. At the border you will not be permitted to leave the Republic of Cyprus and enter the TRNC. Discussions are ongoing between the Republic of Cyprus, the UN and EU countries to review this decision. In a very limited number of instances it may be possible with the assistance of your Country’s Embassy to cross the border.
Category B Requirements
If you enter the TRNC via Turkey (currently the only route for entry!) you will be classed as Category B. The only exceptions are people arriving via Turkey from a Category C country, in which case you will remain classified as coming from a Category C country.
From 21 st July, people will be able to enter the country by presenting a negative PCR test less than 5 days old. People entering the TRNC from Category B countries will be able to enter the country by presenting the results of a negative PCR test performed between three and five days before the date of arrival. On arrival in the TRNC a second PCR test will be performed. You will be required to self-isolate at home or in your hotel until the results are available. At the airport you will be required to sign a form committing to self-isolate.
People who travel to Turkey for 5 days or less will be able to re-enter the TRNC without needing another PCR test at the point of re-entry, provided that the PCR test taken before leaving the TRNC was negative. However, they must visit the Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital or Famagusta State Hospital between 5 and 7 days after entering the country to take a 2nd PCR test. PCR tests will be carried out on entry or re-entry to the TRNC if a person arrives in the TRNC without a valid (less than 5 days old) negative test either from Turkey or the TRNC. These people will be quarantined in a Centre determined by the Ministry of Health for 3 days and a further PCR test will be performed at the end of the 3rd day. The cost of the tests and quarantine fees will be paid by the individual.
Category C Requirements
If you arrive from a Country classified in Category C, you will need to enter Quarantine. The only exception will be travellers who have spent 14 or more days in Turkey or the Republic of Cyprus before travelling to the TRNC. In which case you will be considered to have arrived from a Category B country and the provisions above apply.
On entry you will be required to present a negative PCR test take between 3 and 5 days before boarding a plane or boat to come to the TRNC. You must present a hard copy (paper) of the test result which shows the date on which the test was taken.
Note: UK NHS test results do not show the date when the test was taken, so may not be accepted, unless you have some other document (email hard copy or doctors letter), showing the date the test was taken. Other travellers report that UK private tests show the required information. On entry to the country (port or airport) a PCR test will be performed. You will then be taken to a Quarantine Centre as designated by the Ministry of Health for 14 days (Arrivals from the UK will only need to quarantine for 7 days). At the end of quarantine, a further PCR test will be required and you will need to remain in Quarantine until the results are available. The cost of all PCR tests and quarantine will be payable by the traveller. Only TRNC citizens who reside in the TRNC are exempt from quarantine charges.
Flights from the UK, are scheduled to re-commence on 16 July 2020. Please check with your travel operator for dates and departure airports for flights.
Under the Infectious Diseases Act, legal action will be taken against any individual who does not comply with the above.
Charges & Notes
The quarantine fee is 265 TL per person per day (including meals),
The PCR test fee is set at 200 TL per test.
Quarantine fees and test fees will be paid at the hotel.
Children between 0-6 years (including 6 years) will be exempt from quarantine fees.
Children between 0-2 years do not require PCR tests
Anyone submitting a PCR test more than 5 days old will not be allowed to enter the country.
Your country of entry will be the country in which you have been residing before entry and you must have spent at least 14 days in that country immediately prior to entry
Source: TRNC Ministry of Health https://saglik.gov.ct.tr/